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Äescher & Appenzell

For The Famous Mountain Inn ÄESCHER


From Zurich, the train journey is 2 hours to Wasserauen train station, and well worth it with picturesque views - the Ebenalp valley station is just across the river, 2 mins walk away from the train station. The train as well as the Ebenalp cable car were not busy at all.

Train ticket CHF 30.20 (US$32.70) p/p.

Cable-car 22CHF (US$24) p/p

* Latest Cable-car timetable and ticket, click here.

Ebenalp Cable-car

Ebenalp is the ideal starting place for captivating walks in the Alpstein massif. With the modern cable-car which runs every 15 mins, you can reach the 800 Meter higher located Ebenalp in just a few minutes, which we took to go up and then hike down (more details below).

Äescher - A Swiss Postcard

Berggasthaus Aescher is a famous mountain guesthouse and restaurant built into the side of the cliffs near Appenzell. This guesthouse has been standing in its original form since the 1860s. It’s one of the oldest mountain huts in Switzerland, and by far one of the most unique. It’s famous for being built right into the rocky mountain itself, and set against the breathtaking view of the mountain valley below.

The From Ebenalp, a short walk on a clearly marked and well-maintained flat hiking trail passes through the Wildkirchli Caves (bearcave) to the hermitage and the chapel. We walked down past all the cows with their huge bells clanking, past the paragliders hurtling themselves off the side of the mountain! Down the not too steep - it is a proper path but not a sealed surface and quite uneven... through the cave where the bones of 600 bears were found and along the wooden path attached to the side of the mountain to the wonderful Aescher.

Bearcave Entrance

The trail then continues along a rock face to the famous mountain hostelry Aescher (open from May to the end of October).

Trail Leading to Gasthaus Aescher

Stunning views from the restaurant's terrace and great foods and beverages.

View from Restaurant Terrace


The Wildkirchli is a fascinating place, that is both a religious point of interest as well as natural one. It’s a historic little chapel, built into the natural caves of the mountain.

In 1658, Priest Ulmann of Appenzell village was the first hermit to establish and then lived inside the Wildkirchli. It became a pilgrimage site not long after. He was joined by a few other hermits, who would provide food and lodging to pilgrims visiting the chapel. The history goes back even further, which can be seen in the cave paintings, which tell of an ancient time.

To this day, the chapel still holds services.

Wildkirchli Chapel


We hiked down from Gasthaus Aescher to Wasserauen-Ebenalp Station

Super views from the top.

View from Appenzell Alps

In glorious sunshine it was a delightful thing to do and we'd all recommend it after our visit. We were treated with some fantastic and unforgettable memories as we walked down; meeting and greeting other hikers along the way ; a farm girl herding her cows; isolated and abandoned barn; towering trees of the forest. In short, just awesome!

At the end the trail, we stopped by a cute little cottage with a fountain of fresh spring water to quench our first.

While waiting for the train, there is an small area just outside Ebenalpbahn, where we dip our feet in the freezing waters of the Schwendibach river. The sensation of blood rushing to the head in a matter of seconds is some experience. We walk for 10-15 seconds max in the shallow water, but it was more than enough, there was a certain rejuvenation feeling. Try it!


Due to time constraint - returned train ticket - we didn't get to Seealpsee. We could have done it by selecting a later train.

More details and pictures are found online. No photos as I only post those I take myself.

All I can say, if you are doing the full hike to Seealpsee, you should know that it’s a very steep descent to the bottom of the valley.

Seealpsee lake is truly one of the most beautiful lakes in Switzerland from photos I have seen online. In winter, it’s frozen over, and people can walk, skate and ski across.

In summer, it unthaws to reveal a strikingly beautiful clear emerald blue color.

If the weather is hot enough, you can try to go for a swim.

You can walk around the lake to enjoy its beauty. From Seealpsee Lake, you’ll walk back to the parking area in Wasserauen by walking down a very steep, but well paved path.

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