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Caminito del Rey

The King's Little Path

13 May 2022

Drive from Ronda to Caminito del Rey - Pasaje Matadero, 7, Ronda, Andalucía 29400 to Parking El Caminito del Rey.

Caminito del Rey (The King's Little Path)- Was once considered one of the most dangerous in the world.

We left Ronda at around 7.30am for first entry at 9.00am. The drive was amazing with the risen sun on the winding country roads - nice and quiet at this time of the morning. Took one hour to reach the destination.

Google Map


Purchased tickets online well in advance to get first entry on the date we want - to be among the first lot to enjoy the one way trek along the cliffs peacefully. We didn't use a guide as we wanted to do it at our own pace. 10€ p/p.

Parking - Free parking overlooking the lake if arrive early. If not, parking Ardeles Caminito del Rey 2€ per vehicle.

DO NOT USE if you are late or press for time - Trail of Gaitanejo (2,7 km. route), 'Túnel Grande' next to El Kiosko restaurant. It is most scenic but longer to reach the main entrance.

The route from the 'Pedestrian Tunnel' situated 200m ahead of the restaurante El Kiosko which is a shorter walk (1.5km/25 min approx) to reach main entrance/ticket office. This is not the beginning of the hike itself.

There are drinks vending machine and toilets. You will be issued hairnet and hard hat. No other hats are allowed. Some people brought their own bicycle helmets and they were told to leave them behind at the entrance. Take plenty of water, especially on hot days, there are no places to get water while on the path.

The hike is very easy, mostly flat. The actual experience walking through the stunning scenery is unique and well worth it. You will get some spectacular and amazing views even before reaching the path on the cliff sides. Take a moment to look up El Chorro or back every now and then, for completely different views. Near the royal trail, take a short break, might even get to see a train emerging briefly from the tunnel on the cliff side for a few seconds. The bridge across the gorge near the end is awesome, a bit windy, be sure to take a photo before you get closer.

The walk is about 5 Kms and it took us about 4 hours - we took our time, admiring the scenery, had our sandwiches while gasping at the beauty of the gorge, frequent stops for photos etc.

The path on the cliff sides is not scary, plenty of opportunities to get some great shots, look down the river and the beautiful turquoise water of El Chorro lake.

At the end of the hike, there are some stalls selling food and drinks. Walk up to the road for about 5 mins, there is a bus stop. Buses take about 30 mins to take you back to the starting point where you park your car. Bring loose change for the bus as they don't accept notes most times. 2€ p/p

We stroll around for a bit and chill by the clear water of the lake before getting back on the road to our next stop Granada.


Bring your food and plenty of water - there are no stalls that sell food at the entrance. We bought sandwiches from a supermarket in Ronda the day before.

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